This paper aims to contribute to legal research on family-owned companies, focusing on Serbian law. This company type is the... pročitajte više →
The aim of this article is to provide a short overview of the 2023 US Draft Merger Guidelines and some... pročitajte više →
The paper explores the growing integration of blockchain technology in the legal field, specifically focusing on the emergence of smart contracts... pročitajte više →
U današnjoj klimi pojačane društvene pažnje u vezi sa plagijarizmom, u globalnoj akademskoj zajednici se kao poseban oblik etički problematičnog ponašanja... pročitajte više →
Rad je posvećen sporazumu o izboru suda prema Uredbi Vijeća (EU) 2019/1111 od 25. juna 2019. godine o nadležnosti, priznanju i... pročitajte više →
Cilj rada je da ex post istraži državotvorne alternative ujedinjenju jugoslovenskih naroda iz 1918. godine i da razmotri da li bi one... pročitajte više →
The purpose of this paper is to present force majeure as stipulated in FIDIC forms, which are nowadays frequently in use... pročitajte više →
“Digestive Jurisprudence” is the view that judicial decisions depend on what judges had for breakfast. The view is usually associated with Frank’s... pročitajte više →
During the High and Late Middle Ages, canon law played a crucial role. This study provides an overview of ecclesiastical legal scholarship... pročitajte više →
This paper reviews the issue of surrogacy. The author analyzes surrogacy and continues by conducting a comparative overview of two legal... pročitajte više →