After appearing only in medical law for a long time, advance directives and other forms of voluntary measures are... прочитајте више →
This article aims to highlight the phenomenon of hybridization of insurance contract law, which started with its emancipation... прочитајте више →
The paper proposes several key questions that should be unavoidable in the research on history of economic sanctions. Four key questions... прочитајте више →
У раду се анализира могућност примене референдума у системима консоцијативне демократије. Према теорији Арента Лајпхарта, сви демократски системи се могу поделити... прочитајте више →
У раду се разматра смисао употребе бланко менице као средства обезбеђења потрошачког кредита, а истовремено се сумња у њену сврху као... прочитајте више →
The paper investigates the evolution of air passenger profiles in terms of regulatory environment, competitive... прочитајте више →
The ongoing process of digitalisation has brought a number of new challenges to the existing regulatory frameworks for consumer protection. One... прочитајте више →
The article analyzes the use of precedent by the European Court of Human Rights. It examines the various types of precedents... прочитајте више →
Settlement of deceased’s debts is one of the fundamental questions of succession. The liability of heirs for these debts is very... прочитајте више →
In order to gain a better understanding of contemporary political realism, as well as of the theories of two classical political... прочитајте више →