An internship at the United Nations is an opportunity that young people interested in international law, international relations, and many other fields,... pročitajte više →
Analyses of cases contained in the Register of inquisitor Jacques Fournier (1318–1325) allude to the difficulty of a suspect leaving the inquisitorial... pročitajte više →
Mortgage contracts have evolved to include a variety of contract design features whose aim is to address the demand of heterogeneous borrowers.... pročitajte više →
This paper deals with the issue of whether intellectual property (IP) rights may be qualified as investments in terms of Serbian laws... pročitajte više →
The object of this paper on arbitrability in the Spanish legal system, is to explore whether the general rule on... pročitajte više →
Much has been attempted, and many projects are still underway aimed at achieving equality in higher education and research. Today, the key... pročitajte više →
Autor se u radu bavi problemima ništavosti osnivanja privrednog društva. U prvi plan su istaknuti razlozi postojanja posebnog režima ništavosti... pročitajte više →
Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu je pitanje da li se koren ustanove testamenta može pronaći u Hamurabijevom zakoniku. Autor se služi istorijskim... pročitajte više →
U radu se razmatra nastanak ustanove notarijata latinskog tipa i pokušava razotkriti njegov pravi koren, trenutak oblikovanja i prerastanja iz privatnog... pročitajte više →
Zakon o obligacionim odnosima reguliše brojne načine prestanka jedne punovažne obligacije. Među njima se tradicionalno nalazi i novacija (prenov) koja podrazumeva saglasnost... pročitajte više →