U radu se razmatra smisao upotrebe blanko menice kao sredstva obezbeđenja potrošačkog kredita, a istovremeno se sumnja u njenu svrhu kao... pročitajte više →
The paper investigates the evolution of air passenger profiles in terms of regulatory environment, competitive... pročitajte više →
The ongoing process of digitalisation has brought a number of new challenges to the existing regulatory frameworks for consumer protection. One... pročitajte više →
The article analyzes the use of precedent by the European Court of Human Rights. It examines the various types of precedents... pročitajte više →
Settlement of deceased’s debts is one of the fundamental questions of succession. The liability of heirs for these debts is very... pročitajte više →
In order to gain a better understanding of contemporary political realism, as well as of the theories of two classical political... pročitajte više →
Autor članka predlaže da se u Srbiji polupredsednički sistem organizacije vlasti, koji loše funkcioniše, zameni režimom parlamentarne republike. Parlamentarizam bi prevazišao... pročitajte više →