Ауторка настоји да докаже да разликовање права на накнаду штете и права на осигурану своту, као предуслов одрживог развоја осигурања, постоји... прочитајте више →
У чланку је дат биографски преглед живота и дела Михаила Константиновића, професора Правног факултета Универзитета у Београду и дописног члана... прочитајте више →
The aim of the article is to provide a general, broad picture of the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, without... прочитајте више →
Efforts to establish a coordinated international response to diseases that affect more than one country go back to the mid-19th century.... прочитајте више →
The paper analyzes different aspects of online teaching as the prevalent method of education at the Belgrade University Faculty of Law... прочитајте више →
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of flexible forms of work, those forms of work that have essentially been... прочитајте више →
The protection and preservation of the environment and stable climatic conditions, as well as the right of public participation in environmental... прочитајте више →
The COVID-19 pandemic temporarily paralysed demand for air travel causing long-term implications for... прочитајте више →
This paper is a continuation of the research that the author started several years ago and which was published in the... прочитајте више →
The paper provides an introduction covering the absence of measures against the plague and other contagious diseases in the Ottoman... прочитајте више →