Implementation of the “Checks and balances” principle as one of the milestones in modern democracies, demonstrates its full complexity when it... pročitajte više →
Raising the age of consent to data processing to 16 and allowing member states to set it at a lower... pročitajte više →
The author analyses types of religious education in European and Serbian state-run schools searching for an innovative approach to existing classifications. He... pročitajte više →
The paper considers the notarial form of legal transactions in Montenegrin law. Notarial legal transactions constitute a novelty within a legal system... pročitajte više →
The rule of law cannot achieve its main goal – the protection of individual freedom and well-being - without... pročitajte više →
Existing theorethical models of relationship between the state and religious organisations is under consideration in this article. European countries have... pročitajte više →
The paper considers the issue of the possibility to award the fundamental rights to sentient animals. Taking as a starting point contemporary... pročitajte više →
The issue of necessity as a ground for precluding wrongfulness has received close attention over the last two decades both... pročitajte više →
The author illustrates the normative framework of protection against religious discrimination in Italian legal system, scattered over several different pieces of... pročitajte više →
In the recent decades e-commerce has gained momentum. However, certain obstacles, like cross-country legal differences, prevent e-commerce from flourishing. In an attempt... pročitajte više →