Sudska praksa u Srbiji se oštro podelila oko pitanja da li je ugovor o jemstvu ugovor bez naknade, koji se može... pročitajte više →
Ovim člankom autorka nastoji da skrene pažnju na probleme koje u praksi stvaraju tzv. neosnovani raskidi, ali i na potrebu stvaranja... pročitajte više →
Kraj XX veka je pokazao da su skoro sve evropske zemlje doživele neuspeh u suzbijanju kriminaliteta. Usled toga,... pročitajte više →
U ovom radu objašnjena je praksa pravosuđa Srbije, Ustavnog suda Srbije i Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u predmetima Boban Vučković... pročitajte više →
The author discusses the effects of the res judicata rule as regards jurisdictional decisions of the International Court of Justice.... pročitajte više →
As the dominant direction of the study of legal phenomena, legal positivism has suffered criticisms above all from representatives... pročitajte više →
The paper analyzes an issue of fundamental significance for international law – the procedure for the identification of... pročitajte više →
European countries introduced the concept of social protection of survivors, primarily spouses and children, in their respective legislations back in the... pročitajte više →
The article introduces the problem of autonomy of law. The paper examines the medieval origins of legal positivism from a historical approach,... pročitajte više →
This paper deals with the nationality non-discrimination provision in Serbian double taxation treaties. First the author analyses the historical development... pročitajte više →