The paper is divided into two parts to facilitate a clearer understanding of all aspects of the change in... прочитајте више →
The article analyzes the relationship between the institutions of liability and liability insurance, aimed at identifying the modalities of their interaction.... прочитајте више →
The aim of this article is to provide a short overview and analysis of the US antitrust law. Section 2 of the... прочитајте више →
The application of double taxation treaties presupposes that the potential cases of dual residence have been previously resolved. For this purpose,... прочитајте више →
Within the traditional framework of international arbitration, an arbitral tribunal produces a final and binding award, which can be only exceptionally... прочитајте више →
The judiciary in Serbia is heir to a long tradition of political influence, which was particularly visible during the communist regime after... прочитајте више →
According to the general tort law of Mauritius (articles 1382 through 1384 of the Mauritian Civil Code), three conditions must be met... прочитајте више →
Do product market reforms have a lasting impact on the market? How does the adjustment path to the new equilibrium... прочитајте више →
The article discusses the unsettled ownership status of many tracts of urban land in Slovenian cities that persists as... прочитајте више →
Претходно пореско мишљење је један од ретких пореско-процесних института који представља недостајућу карику у српском пореском праву, док је... прочитајте више →