This paper analyzes the legal basis for ‘proceduralization’ of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights... прочитајте више →
This paper examines the systems of contractual acquisition of ownership of real property in various... прочитајте више →
Moral values represent the binding force of human rights. They are primarily the binding force of norms of national legal systems,... прочитајте више →
In this paper, the authors introduce a notion of creditor’s supplemental rights that so far has been insufficiently explored... прочитајте више →
Fiscal devaluation is a set of synhronized policy measures with the aim to stimulate economic growth and improve... прочитајте више →
Patria potestas appears in the tradition in two aspects: as the father’s right to put his son to death and as the... прочитајте више →
In early Rome the notion of patria is a byword of the occupation of a specific geographical space by the populus,... прочитајте више →
By opting for the approach based on the dichotomy of individual criminal responsibility for the act of genocide and the responsibility of... прочитајте више →
The paper aims to reflect on utility of principles of future articulation of church-state relations in democratic political systems, particularly in... прочитајте више →
The author examines different issues considering legal and social standing of mercenaries, mostly being focused upon the fourth court speech (On... прочитајте више →