Slobodan P. Orlović
The political opposition which is primarily organized in political parties, is a condition for existence оf democratic political system. Special attention should be paid to guaranties of the position of political opposition in states which have renewed their multiparty system, or just initiated it. This guaranty means protection of oppositional political parties with rights and legal mechanism, enables the same legal treatment and real equality with ruling parties. This implies constitutional, statutory and executive rights and procedures through which opposition operates.
The constitutional position of opposition in the Republic of Serbia was built just with the given order. Oppositional political parties have an equal legal status and, apropos, possibility to criticize, control and change the government through the election. However, a really low level of a political culture, lack of consistency of the political ideology, readiness for all kinds of coalitions, inferiority of the underdeveloped public opinion, makes so that the political opposition has slightly worse position in the relation to position of government.
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