Dragiša Drakić, Gordana Drakić
The authors have analysed first the evolution of the ideas concerning the phenomenon of the mentally ill throughout history, up to the modern concept of mental illness and disorder. This approach to the treatment of the material was necessary because it is clear that the contents, as well as the legal significance, of the institute of incompetency is heavily dependent on the prevalent concept of psychopathology.
The authors assert that the current approach to the institute of mental incompetency, which was in the beginning determined by application of the biological method, appeared in the beginning of the nineteenth century, with the adoption of the then predominant psychiatric teachings on mental illness. Further in the text the authors highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this method. In an attempt to limit the growing psychiatric influence on criminal law, a new, psychological method for determining mental incompetency was conceived in time. Due to obvious shortcomings, this method has never managed to affirm itself, neither in theory, nor in criminal law.
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