Unenacted amendments to a Civil Procedure Code are subject of this paper. Draft consisting of changes and supplements of Civil Procedure Code... read more →
The Faculty of Law in Belgrade was a reputable institution of higher education between the two world wars. The occupation... read more →
The paper empirically examines relation of some static factors to recidivism among sexual offenders. The research sample consists of data gathered... read more →
Serbian bibliography: books 1868–1944 is the source of data for the reconstruction of our written records, our life... read more →
This paper investigates the case of Boban Vučković and others before the Serbian judiciary, Constitutional Court of Serbia and the European... read more →
Article 24 of the Law on Compulsory Insurance in Traffic conditions the right to file a lawsuit against the insurance company,... read more →
The self-governance of national minorities might be provided on territorial and non-territorial (personal) bases. It is institution of the public law... read more →
The war between Yugoslavia and NATO, which lasted since 24. March until 10. June 1999, completed with Serbian forces withdrawal from... read more →
In this paper the author discusses the legal policy reasons for the introduction of different forms of copyright and related... read more →
As a rule, in comparative tax law statutes do not have a retroactive effect. This principle may be... read more →