Interpretation by the nature of things most of the authors in the field of legal hermeneutics view in the manner... read more →
This paper deals with the importance of the EU accession to the ECHR, as the most significant regional... read more →
This paper deals with various issues in regard to nullity of the merger procedure in the EU law, comparative law... read more →
The subject of the authors’ attention are certain questions concerning the responsibility for the acts of other... read more →
In this article author compares two separated branches of law (Admiralty and Bankruptcy) which are connected in case when maritime lien... read more →
In this paper the author explores legal aspects of countermanding cheques. The first part of the paper explains the notion, legal... read more →
We can easily come to the conclusion that the general settings of the theory of social interactionism, and especially the process... read more →
Wills and contracts are one of the main sources for the history of the Byzantine private law. In this article we have... read more →
This paper deals with the relationship between the tax law as a branch of the public law and... read more →
The paper analyses the notion of consumer in the European Union law, and, in particular, the notion of consumer in insurance... read more →